Hey, everybody! Check out that gorgeous cover by Galen Dara! I’ve got a new short story collection out called The Dritty Doesen: Some of the Least Reasonable Stories of Matthew Sanborn Smith! They’re not exactly Mango stories, but you can sometimes see the family resemblance.
If you can’t wait to buy it, go here now: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PF7XOPQ
If you’re not so sure, you can read many of the stories for free! “Say what? Does this guy not understand how to make money?” The answer to that is, “No.” Over the course of the next week, my friends are posting stories from the collection on their blogs and such, so you can read them and then decide if you can’t stand living without this book.
Keep an eye on my blog, The One-Thousand (remember that?), to find out where these stories are being posted from day to day. If you dig any of this, be a darling and tell your friends. Thanks!