14 SepIt’s Our Fifth Anniversary!

David Bradshaw’s album is called “Songs from the Former County,” not “Country!” Sorry, David! This is how I repay all your hard work!

The video at the top of this post is what happens when my son, Ian, is learning new software.

Creative Commons License
Beware the Hairy Mango – Fifth Anniversary by Matthew Sanborn Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

David Bradshaw: http://davidbradshawmusic.com/
John DeNardo: http://www.sfsignal.com/
Daniel Birkel’s BTHM Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/BewareTheHairyMango
Simon Hildebrandt: http://protectingprojectpulp.com/
Diane Severson Mori: http://divadianes.blogspot.com/
Laurence Simon: http://oneadayuntilthedayidie.com/
Laurence Simon’s “Carl’s Best” Mustard ringtone: http://bewarethehairymango.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/mustard.m4r

13 Responses to “It’s Our Fifth Anniversary!”

  1. Paul Weimer (@PrinceJvstin) says:

    Happy Anniversary to BTHM Matt!

  2. Josh says:

    Best episode yet, it’s like you sent us a fruit basket, but no matter what we peel or slice open, they’re all Mango on the inside!

    Congrats on keeping at it for five years Matt, looking forward to five more years of Mango!

  3. John Doh! says:

    Congadulations! I cant listen to the whole aniversery podcast at once. I can only listen in five minute increments over a couple months. Maybe i can trick myself into thinking its may

  4. John D. says:

    >> You thought you had me, didn’t you, you bastard?

    As a matter of fact, yes, I thought I did have you. But that coulda been a less that arid dream πŸ™‚ Happy anniversary!

  5. Heroic effort, Diane, and I’m jealous of how natural and spontaneous the Bradshaws sounded – mine took a few dozen takes. πŸ™‚

    Oh, and happy anniversary Matt. πŸ™‚

  6. I wish you many more fifth anniversaries.


  7. Matthew says:

    Thanks, guys!

  8. James Viner says:

    Happy fifth anniversary!

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