Go read my story at Tor.com, Beauty Belongs to the Flowers. I wasn’t going to mention this here, because it’s so unMangoish (It’s long and serious), but there are some crossover fans, so maybe you’ll dig it too.
Go read my story at Tor.com, Beauty Belongs to the Flowers. I wasn’t going to mention this here, because it’s so unMangoish (It’s long and serious), but there are some crossover fans, so maybe you’ll dig it too.
Long and serious? WTF? Are you going to start a new site “Fear the Greasy Banana”? No wait – I want that URL! Oh, all right you can have it. Anyway stop with the long serious and give me some more Mango! I have vitamin C deficiency and I am getting a bad case of crickets! Er, I mean rickets. I think.