14 DecUnfair warning

For some crappy reason, I announced this almost everywhere else first. Sorry to break it to you, but you’ve only got a little over a year of fresh Mangoes left! I’ve decided to give it a rest. The Mango’s last episode will be December 30th, 2015. There’s always the possibility I throw a show up once in a great while after that, but no promises. Try not to hate me. Oh, go ahead and hate me if you like. I can take it!

6 Responses to “Unfair warning”

  1. That would be “Hate me-mail.”

  2. Mr Arm says:

    I’m not going to lie, I shed probably more tears than I should have when I heard that on your latest episode. Guess I should have written you a long time ago and been a better supporter. (Removes left ear and realizes how much harder it is to mail body parts now a days.)

    • Matthew says:

      Even if you had loved me up years ago, Mr. Arm, you could not have saved this show single-handedly, or even multi-handedly with the other folks who dig it. I knew from the outset only a tiny percentage of people would get it. And even though those people are passionate and I love them and you for their and your support, I have a limited time on Earth and want to do a few other things as well. Thanks!

  3. winkershins says:

    …speaking seriously for a moment, listening to your work it’s been pretty clear there is significant effort involved. most fiction involves the creation of situations and narratives that give momentum and flow to the process… something you resolutely eschew. to engage in such a rigorous destruction of the very medium you work in. not only the structure and reason for existence but the words, the very building blocks at your disposal left in shambles, their meaning twisted and barely recognizable… has to do damage to a writers fragile psyche. We can all only breathe a sigh of relief knowing the end is in sight. the task almost done. Fuck that boulder Sisyphus! Let it rest where it falls.

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