18 NovPromo – First Try

Here we go! I just put together this promo. Give it a listen, tell me what you think. Let me know if you think it’s too long. I hear longish promos on other podcasts, so it might be cool. I don’t know.

12 Responses to “Promo – First Try”

  1. Camille says:

    It is longish….but I likey….Where would you post this promo spot? I take it you would post it somewhere to attract new listeners? Oh, the places it will go…

  2. admin says:

    I would ask other podcasters to stick it in their shows.

  3. Diane says:

    I love it! It is a little long though. Maybe shorten it to under 1’30”? People will know what they are getting themselves into, you’re right!

  4. Kate Baker says:

    Okay — you are damn funny but I would agree that it’s a bit long as well. You might want to check your volume levels on certain parts as well. It comes out as over driven just a tad.

    Other than that, me likey! đŸ™‚

  5. Nan-Leah says:

    A tad long, longer than those monkeys tails, but funny. Couldn’t wait to hear what came next. You rock, it made me feel dirty. I’m going to shower.

  6. admin says:

    Thank you for your input ladies! I will rework it soon.

  7. Ms Lin says:

    Yup…a little too long. They’ll get the idea with fewer ‘ clips’…….I love the Hairy Mango with my morning coffee!

  8. Kicker says:

    Ugh, I liked! So clear and positively.

  9. Skurryless says:

    Well, it was just about long enough for me, as the actress said to the bishop….

  10. Matty and Patty says:

    I thought the collection of clips was better than most of the full-length episodes. Very Carlin-esque….

  11. […] Beware the Hairy Mango Promo – First Try […]

  12. Chet Boggs says:

    Really, not enough bloggers take the time to create compelling content. Thank you for being an exception.

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